I wish someone had given me tips like this when I was young.
1. Take time to think deeply about the life you want.
Visualize the details of your desired future 10, 20, 30-years out. Write it all down and review it regularly.
2. Don’t paint yourself into a corner with poor choices.
Wrong or poorly timed choices and decisions can sabotage your future. Poor money management, relationships, unrealistic expectations, etc can keep you from your goals.
3. Be ruthlessly intentional.
The sooner you get serious about creating the life you want, the more likely you will be to achieve it. Don’t leave your dreams to chance and go all-in.
4. Resist negative influences.
Learn to distance yourself from people and things that distract, deter, or diminish you. Seek out people who affirm and encourage you on your journey.
5. Course-Correct as you go.
“Fail Forward” (John Maxwell). Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. Lean into life’s lessons and focus on forward progress. Accept that the path from where you are to where you want to be may not be straight.